The DIGS Lab is looking for research participants

Calling LGBTQ+ Millennials, Gen X, Boomers, and more!

The DIGS Lab’s on-going project Algorithms and Elderqueers is focused on uncovering how TikTok is shaping dialogue among older and younger LGBTQ+ people. We would like to invite you to participate in a research interview if you:

a)     Use TikTok, especially if you participate through the app by posting videos or commenting, liking, and sharing content;

b)    Are LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, Two Spirit, pansexual, asexual, non-binary, or another diverse gender or sexual identity)

c)     Are over thirty years old, or see yourself as ‘older’ than the large population of young TikTok users (you must be over 18 to participate).


Interviews will take approximately one hour and can be conducted in-person (depending on location), by telephone, or over Zoom. A gift card ($20 CAD or equivalent) will be provided to thank you for your time. To participate, please fill out this form with your contact information, so we can reach out to you and provide further information. If you have any questions regarding participation, don’t hesitate to write to us at