Conferences and Presentations

Nešovic, D., & Duguay, S. (2024). Is she or isn’t she: Lesbian (in)visibility and multiplatform narrative labor. Global Digital Intimacies Conference, June 27-28, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Dietzel, C., Duguay, S., Felice, E., Parry, D., Johnson, C. (2024). Beyond the swipe: Interrogating dating app approaches for sustaining user safety. Canadian Communication Association Annual Conference, June 18-12, Montreal, QC, Canada.

Duguay, S., Trépanier, A.M., & Chartrand, A. (2024). Hybrid constellations of lesbian digital sociality and geographies in Montreal. Lesbian Research Colloquium, March 1-2, Quebec Lesbian Network, Montreal, Canada.

Jarry, A., Cerruti, M., Duguay, S., Dietzel, C., Allen, J., Simon, B. (2023). Interdisciplinary research. Panel for The Commons, September 29, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.

Duguay, S., Jamet-Lange, H., & Acar, O.E. (2023). #queersover30: Exploring creative production at the intersection of age and sexual identity on TikTok. Global Perspectives on Platforms, Labor, and Social Reproduction, June 27-28, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Duguay, S. Acar, O.E., & Jamet-Lange, H. (2023). Where the methods of the medium meet the practices of data cultures: Investigating TikTok as a research tool. Data Cultures Panel. Canadian Communication Association Annual Conference, May 30-June 2, 2023, York University, Toronto, Canada.

Duguay, S. (2023). What could go wrong? A critical reflection on the Oversight Board’s public comment process concerning Meta’s moderation of trans and non-binary content. Submission (and Chair) for the panel Moderating authenticity? Challenging and intervening in platform governance and moderation processes. International Communication Association 73rd Annual Conference, May 25-29, 2023, Toronto, Canada.

Myles, D., Chartrand, A., & Duguay, S. (2023). ‘What even is AI?’ Using algorithmic controversies as elicitation strategies during focus group discussions. (Un)Stable Diffusions Symposium, May 23-24, 2023, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.

Abidin, C., Byron, B., Duguay, S., Myles, D., Wang, S. (2022). Platformed intimacies. Roundtable discussion at the Association of Internet Researchers Annual Conference, November 2-5, Dublin, Ireland.

Duguay, S., Chartrand, A., Trépanier, A.M. (2022). Hybrid constellations: Examining social media’s role in the Montreal lesbian social scene. Association of Internet Researchers Annual Conference, November 2-5, Dublin, Ireland. 

Zay, S.U., Ouf, M.M., Nik-Bakht, M., Duguay, S. (2022). Data-driven smart building applications and relevant privacy considerations: A review. 5th International Conference on Building Energy and Environment (COBEE), July 25-29, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. 

Duguay, S., Trépanier, A.M., Chartrand, A. (2022). Re-Understanding Media: Panel 1. Re-Understanding Media Colloquium, August 18, La Fonderie Darling, Montreal, Canada.

Duguay, S. (2022). Book talk – Personal but not Private: Queer women, sexuality, and identity modulation on digital platforms. Institute for Research on Digital Literacies, November 22, York University (online). 

Duguay, S. & Lapierre, B. (2022). Digital dating dangers: Examining dating and hook-up apps’ constructions of safety. Console-ing Passions, June 23-25, University of Central Florida/Online.

Duguay, S. (2022). Not a walk in the park: Examining the walkthrough in action. Digital Society @ Manchester, June 6-11, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK.

Chartrand, A. & Duguay, S. (2022). Is it just me, or? An analysis of theories and methods applying imaginaries to platforms and culture production. Global Perspectives on Platforms and Cultural Production, June 1-2, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Myles, D. & Duguay, S., Echaiz, L.F. (2022). Unpacking the social implications of AI-supported platform surveillance for the LGBTQ+ communities. 9th biennial Surveillance & Society conference, June 1-3, Surveillance Studies Network, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Duguay, S., & Gold-Apel, H. (2022). Stumbling blocks and alternative paths: Reconsidering the walkthrough method. Paper for the panel “There’s a method for that: Revisiting the methods and practices of app studies.” International Communication Association 72nd Annual Conference, May 26-30, Paris, France.

Myles, D. & Duguay, S. (2022). In search of algorithmic fairness for LGBTQ+ platform users: A scoping review of the literature (work in progress). International Communication Association 72nd Annual Conference, May 26-30, Paris, France.

Duguay, S. (2022). Appliquer le cadre de la « modulation identitaire » aux usages numériques LGBTQ+. Colloque 421: Les enjeux de numérique pour les communautés LGBTQ+. Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS), 12 mai, Université Laval/Online.

Duguay, S. (2022). Censored, overlooked, and render precarious: How platform governance shapes queer survival and sociality. Colloque international RUNED 22: Perspectives critiques sur le numérique en education et formation: enjeux politiques, sociaux et économiques du design aux usages. Université du Québec à Montréal, 3-4 mai, Montreal, Canada.

Duguay, S. (2022). Dr. Stefanie Duguay on Personal but not Private: Queer women, sexuality, and identity modulation on digital platforms (virtual book launch). Feminist and Accessible Publishing and Communication Technologies Speaker and Workshop Series, April 7, online.

Simon, B., Duguay, S., Morton, K.J., Sefariades, A., Hetherington, K. (2021). Virtual ethnography or doing ethnography virtually? Methodology workshop. Co-hosted by the Lab for Latin American and the Caribbean Studies, ÉRIGAL, and Concordia Ethnography Lab, December 3, online.

Blunt, D., Duguay, S., Gillespie, T., Love, S., Smith, C. (2021). Deplatforming sex: A conversation. Hosted by the Porn Studies Journal and the universities of Northumbria and Birmingham City, October 6, online.

Duguay, S. (2021). Dating apps’ interpretative flexibility during the COVID-19 crisis. Dating, Sex and COVID-19. Modern Literature and Culture Research Centre, X University, September 23, online.

Trépanier, A. & Duguay, S. (2021). Club culture is our healing: Club Quarantine’s queer uses of Zoom for mutual aid and communal care. Queer Emergencies Symposium, April 23-25, Toronto Queer Film Festival, online due to COVID-19.

Trépanier, A. & Duguay, S. (2020). Zoom’s hottest new queer club: A case study of Club Quarantine. Digital Intimacies 6, December 7-9, Sydney, Australia and online due to COVID-19.

Duguay, S. (2020). The walkthrough method for analyzing apps. Munich Center for Technology in Society, December 4, Technical University of Munich, Germany. Online due to COVID-19.

Dietzel, C. & Duguay, S. (2020). Dating and hook-up apps, digital publics, and the COVID-19 pandemic: A participatory engagement with app materials and affect. Digital Intimacies 6, December 7-9, Sydney, Australia and online due to COVID-19.

Duguay, S., Matamoros-Fernandez, A., Velasco González, P.R., Highfield, T., & McKelvey, F. (2020). Digital research pedagogies. Fishbowl Discussion at the Association of Internet Researchers Annual Conference, October 28-31, online due to COVID-19.

Albury, K., Dietzel, C., Duguay, S., Light, B., Mowlabocus, S., Warfield, K. (2020). What do dating and hook-up apps do? Roundtable Discussion at the Association of Internet Researchers Annual Conference, October 28-31, online (panel accepted but withdrawn due to complications caused by COVID-19).

Duguay, S. & Trépanier, A.M. (2020). Re/creation through Zoom: Exploring the platformed production of Club Quarantine’s queer dance parties during the COVID-19 pandemic. Platformed Creation Symposium, Stanford Ethnography Lab, October 16, Stanford University, California, USA. Online due to COVID-19.

Duguay, S. (2020). The year of the virtual date: Dating apps’ responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. Perform Centre Seminar, October 9, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. Online due to COVID-19.

Dietzel, C., Myles, D., & Duguay, S. (2020). United in queerantine: Sex, safety, and solidarities on queer hookup apps during the COVID-19 pandemic. Futures of feminist and queer solidarities: Connectivity, materiality, and mobility in a digitalized world, September 30-October 2, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, online due to COVID-19.

Duguay, S. (2020). “We are Her” and other fallacies: Investigating hook-up apps’ multi-sided markets and lucrative cultural discourses. International Communication Association 70th Annual Conference, May 20-26, 2020, virtual conference (due to COVID-19). Draft Working Paper

Duguay, S., Boyce, L., Matskiv, J., Ross-Nadié, É. (2020). For womxn and more: Identity constructions in queer dating apps. Paper presentation accepted for the Canadian Communication Association Annual Conference, June 2-5, 2020, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario. Cancelled due to COVID-19.

Duguay, S. (2019). Parties no one will raid: Homonormative LGBTQ social organizing in the gig economy. Stonewall 50: The Future of Global Queer Liberation Art & MediaNovember 7-10, Toronto Queer Film Festival, Toronto, Canada.

Ross-Nadié, É., & Duguay, S. (2019). Interactivity beyond moral panic: The multiple uses and roles of dating and hook-up apps. Playback: Genealogies of Interactivity, October 9-11, Concordia University, Montreal Canada.

Duguay, S. & Krishnan, P. (2019). From “interested” to showing up: Queer social organizing through digital media. Beyond paradoxes of visibility: Investigating the Sociotechnical Complexities of Diverse Sexualities and Genders panel at the Canadian Communication Association Annual Conference, June 3-6, Vancouver, Canada.