Constructions of Safety on Dating Apps at Console-ing Passions Conference

On June 24th, 2022 Stefanie Duguay and Ben Lapierre presented at the Console-ing Passions conference, which attracted many feminist and queer scholars whose interests relate to television, video, audio, and new media. Stefanie and Ben’s research highlighted the ways in which dating apps place the burden of safety of its users. To view a recording of the presentation click here.

Thoughts from Ben on the presentation:

I began working with Stefanie on this research project at the beginning of 2022, which at the time was my first exposure to using coding software. Working with Stefanie, I went through Community Guidelines, Health and Safety, Privacy Policy, and Terms of Use documents for many different dating apps. Going into the project, Stefanie and I knew that we were interested in looking for how safety was constructed within the documents we were looking at. Trends emerged and we were excited to present our findings at the conference. It was my first international conference, so I was quite excited to get exposure to other people’s research. We were on a terrific panel with a wide array of research, and I really enjoyed the experience!