Interested in learning how to do data activism? Join the Data Justice Hub’s FREE workshop May 5th to 7th on Mobilizing Data for Justice: A Skills Development Workshop in Data Activism. This is a three-day skills development workshop where activists and critical researchers can learn methods for making sense of and engaging with data in social struggles.
We have invited activists from around the world to share their experiences doing data activism. The workshops will focus on three areas:
Visualizing: how can activists and critical researchers deploy techniques, such as mapping and countermapping, to visualize social justice issues in new ways?
Archiving: how can activists and critical researchers effectively engage with archives in getting access to data and curate their own community-based archives in thinking about data differently?
Surveillance: how can activists and critical researchers identify and negotiate surveillance infrastructures in organizing their work?
The event will be interactive, emphasizing dialogue, with the aim of creating opportunities for activists and researchers to troubleshoot ideas together.
To attend the workshop IN PERSON, you can register here.
To register for our ONLINE sessions, please go here.
Registration is open until April 16, 2023.
This workshop is organized by the Data Justice Hub and sponsored by the DIGS Lab, among others. Click here to see the full list of sponsors.