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Documentary Poetry Workshop with Sallie Fullerton

In this event, co-hosted with the Feminist Media Studio, we will explore the genre of documentary poetry – poetry that seeks to document and ground itself in an historical moment through incorporating words, images, sound, video, etc – as a means of archival translation that uncovers and preserves the ambiguities of history.

We will explore existing documentary poetry work ranging from 20th century authors Mariel Rukeyser and Charles Reznikoff to contemporary works by Claudia Rankine, CD Wright, Mark Nowak, and M NourbeSe Philip. We will also experiment with documentary poetry techniques, incorporating photographs, historical or technical documents, audio transcriptions and other archival marginalia into our own works. Participants are invited to bring a photograph and a letter relating to a subject of their choice. Otherwise, materials will be provided.

November 10, 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Click here to register.

DIGS Network events are aimed at gathering graduate students, scholars, and faculty mainly from Concordia and local academic institutions together for discussion and sharing relating to our overlapping research interests.